Envron’s protocol provides a chain of inference of at least a 6-log reduction of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
How this is determined:
Step 1 – Peplomer processes are highly sensitive to oxidation by Ozone. Since we are not only inactivating the peplomers but destroying the fundamental structure of the cell itself (see below), a conservative estimate would be a 2 to 3 log inactivation of the Covid virus at this stage in the oxidation process.
Step 2 – A healthy lipid membrane is required for transfer of viral RNA to host cells. Any compromise of the outer lipid membrane means that the viral RNA transfer process is inactivated. Since the Envron protocol is able to degrade interior RNA, the lipid membrane has been compromised and a further 2 to 3 log inactivation can be assumed.
Step 3 – a measurement of any degradation of viral RNA can only mean that the exterior structures of the cell have been damaged by oxidation. The peplomers and the lipid membrane are not only required for transfer of RNA to a healthy host cell but they also provide protective barriers for the viral RNA which is housed inside the lipid membrane. Envron’s protocol provides for a measurable +90% degradation of RNA, thus ensuring complete inactivation.
Conclusion – Since the viral cell cannot attach to a healthy cell because of peplomer damage and since penetration of the lipid membrane ensures viral RNA cannot be transferred (as evidenced by +90% RNA degradation), a chain of inference can be very conservatively estimated as a 6-log inactivation. CONTACT US for lab test results.